The result is not perfect, still alpha, and just for fun, but compatibility seems to be great while multiple buttons visualizations (horizontal or vertical) is extremely simple: write links beside each other, or add a couple of rules for vertical version.

States are hover, active, selected, represented via JavaScript events (onmouseover, onmousedown, onmouseup).
As I said this is just an experiment, but I think as is it is not that bad ... maybeI am wrong :D
Not bad. And your code is a LOT cleaner than Gmail's buttons. I hate how everything in Gmail is a bunch of divs with huge, non-semantic classnames.
I tried it and it doesn't work correctly on IE6..
o ... really?
so maybe you could consider to upgrade your browser :P
I use Firefox :P
I reported that only for cross-browser compatibility of your method..
And as says, unfortunately IE6 is not dead (yet :) )
so in this case you can add this nicely greedy "who care" expression after main css
<!--[if IE 6]><style type="text/css">.btn i{width:expression((this.parentNode.offsetWidth-2)+"px")}</style><![endif]-->
The funny stuff is that with IE5.5 is fine
Thanks for the tip :)
I didn't try it with 5.5 and yes, it's very funny :D
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