My JavaScript book is out! Don't miss the opportunity to upgrade your beginner or average dev skills.

Friday, December 28, 2012

A Cross Platform Inherit Function

This (apparently non working) gist gave me the hint. Stuff I've been dealing with for a while, finally used to bring an Object.create(firstArgOnly) cross platform/engine/client/server code that works. The name? inherit()
/*!(C) WebReflection *//** @license Mit Style */
// inspired by
this.inherit || (this.inherit = function(create){
if (!create) {
if ({__proto__:null} instanceof Object) {
for (var
Null = function Null() {},
doc = document,
html = doc.documentElement,
iframe = html.insertBefore(
// works down to IE7, it does NOT work in IE6
NullPrototype = Null.prototype =
(iframe.src = "javascript:", iframe.contentWindow.Object.prototype),
/* this would work in IE6 too
idoc = iframe.contentWindow.document ||
iframe.contentDocument ||
NullPrototype = Null.prototype = (,
"<script>parent.inherit=Object.prototype<" +
xtend = html.removeChild(iframe) && function xtend(object) {
return xtend.prototype === object ?
(xtend.prototype = xtend, this) :
new xtend(xtend.prototype = object)
proto = [
i = proto.length; i--;
) delete NullPrototype[proto[i]];
// you know ... IE, leaks, and shit ...
create = doc = html = iframe = NullPrototype = proto =
function(object) {
return object == null ? new Null : xtend(object);
} else {
create = function(object) {
return {__proto__: object};
return function(object) {
return create(object);
view raw inherit.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub

More Reliable Than Object.create()

The reason I didn't even try to polyfill the ES5 Object.create() method is quite easy: it is not possible to shim it in a cross platform way due second argument which requires descriptors features, highly improbable to simulate properly. Even if browsers support the create() method, inherit() guarantee that no second argument will ever be used so we are safe from inconsistencies within the function.

Forget hasOwnProperty !

Yeah, one of the coolest things about being able to inherit from null is the fact not even Object.prototype is inherited so we can create real empty objects without worrying about surrounding environment, 3rd parts obtrusive libraries, and the boring and slow obj.hasOwnProperty(key) check.
// some obtrusive code
Object.prototype.troll = function (up) {
  throw up;

// empty object in every browser/env
var dict = inherit(null);
dict.anyKey = anyValue;

// later on ...
for (var key in dict) {
  // only 'anyKey'
That's correct, objects that inherit from null are not affected by the Object.prototype ... really, we cannot even print them without defining a toString method!

Update: On IE DontEnum Bug

Unfortunately the fact IE does not enumerate toString and other native Object.prototype names is not solved here for the simple reason here we are not solving that problem, here we are solving inheritance. However,I think is a must know that even objects created via this function needs an extra loop or something like this:
this.forIn = function (){
propertyIsEnumerable = "propertyIsEnumerable",
toString = "toString",
OK = {toString:1}[propertyIsEnumerable](toString),
keys = OK || [
num = OK || function(obj, callback, self){
for (var
i = keys.length;
(key = keys[i]) in obj &&
return function forIn(obj, callback, self) {
for(var key in obj)
OK || num(obj, callback, self);
/* example
forIn({toString:123}, function(value, key, obj) {
alert(value === 123 && key === "toString");
view raw forIn.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Not Only Null

This function should just work with anything we might need to inherit and we can also inherit from inheriting objects without problems. Consider this an end of the year tiny present just to remind some basic concept about JS that is still valid: Objects inherit from Objects and that's pretty much it :) Enjoy and see you next year!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My Name Is Bound, Method Bound ...

it seems to me the most obvious thing ever but I keep finding here and there these common anti pattern:
// 1. The timer Case
this.timer = setTimeout(
  this.doStuff.bind(this), 500

// 2. The Listener Case
(objOrEl || this).addEventListener(
  type, this.method.bind(this), false

What Is Wrong

I have explained a while ago what's wrong and how to improve these cases but I understand the code was too scary and the post was too long so here the summary:
  1. every setTimeout() call will create a new bound object and this is both redundant and inefficient plus it's not GC friendly
  2. there is no way to retrieve that listener created inline so it's impossible to remove the listener any time is necessary ... yes, even after, when you do refactoring 'cause you will need to clean up listeners

What You Need

The short version is less than a tweet, 64bytes: function b(o,s,t){return(t=this)[s="@"+o]||(t[s]=t[o].bind(t))} This is the equivalent of:
// as generic prototype method
function bound(methodName) {
  var boundName = "__bound__" + methodName;
  return this[boundName] || (
    this[boundName] = this[methodName].bind(this)

// as generic utility
function bound(object, methodName) {
  var boundName = "__bound__" + methodName;
  return object[boundName] || (
    object[boundName] = object[methodName].bind(object)

// as stand alone dependencies free prototype method
var bound = function(){
  function bound(methodName) {
    var boundName = uniqueId + methodName;
    return this[boundName] || (
      this[boundName] =[methodName], this)
    uniqueId = "__bound__", // + Math.random(),
    bind = bound.bind || function bind(self) {
      var callback = this;
      return function bound() {
        return callback.apply(self, arguments);
  return bound;

// really ... you can write
// this little thing in many ways

Pick One And Use It !

These are benefits over the simple, ultra fast, performance oriented, and memory safe approach:
// 1. The timer Case
this.timer = setTimeout(
  this.bound("doStuff"), 500

// 2. The Listener Case
(objOrEl || this).addEventListener(
  type, this.bound("method"), false
  1. every setTimeout() call, if any, will create one single bound object
  2. you can remove the listener at any time through the same call, i.e. (objOrEl || this).removeEventListener(type, this.bound("method"), false);

Is That It ?

You are free to over complicate this concept as much as you want as long as you got the point: there's no need to create a new bound Object per each call plus your life will be much easier following this pattern focusing on logic rather than possible typos, boring variable assignments, etc etc ... this works and it's what you need and what you want now. I'm also moving my hands as a Jedi so I hope I've convinced you!

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Some Common Web Nonsense

Many times I read or write silly stuff and often it takes a while before I realize "what dafuq did I just read ?" Well, this post is about just few a-ha moments, together with WTFs, I keep having from time to time: enjoy!

Those 4 Repeated + Disturbing Bytes

I mean, this must come first, right? Web Development Tools are improving like hell and Web App development are 99% of the time behind a build process able to shrink HTML, recompile and optimize CSS, eliminate even death code from JS after parsing, recompilation, minification, pre-gzip-compression ... you name it ... and finally, we gonna have the output with a file called: mystuff.min.js ?!?! Am I the only one thinking that this does not make sense and all files should be named by default .max so that the equivalent after minifcation won't include those damn 4 bytes per each file? Entire CDN dedicated to common libraries and these expose minified files with .min extension ... isn't this bloody brilliant?

The "Not So Smart" Condition

This time is about logic, and the fact that order matters. "Which order?" you say? Thanks for asking!
// knowing only one stuff item has a value
for (var fValue, i = 0; i < stuff.length; i++) {
  fValue = parseFloat(computate(stuff[i])) ||
Above code might look weird but it's actually more common than we can imagine. Think about defining, as example, a prefixed method so that only one of them will be available. As soon as the value is not undefined we keep going checking for no reason something we don't need so ... can you spot the difference?
// knowing only one stuff item has a value
for (var fValue, i = 0; i < stuff.length; i++) {
  fValue || (
    fValue = parseFloat(computate(stuff[i]))
If fValue has a value there is no reason to perform other expensive function calls. Moreover, how can we be that lazy that breaking a for loop is one of those things I basically never see in production code ?
// knowing only one stuff item has a value
for (var fValue, i = 0; i < stuff.length; i++) {
  if (fValue = parseFloat(
  ) break;
Scary ... uh ? Point here is: always think about the execution order, logic, cost of your boolean expressions ... you might realize swapping few things around could result in better performance easily while adding a break, sometimes, will be smarter than anything else.

Not Just Missing The Falsy

This is the most common one, no way JS developers will learn this differently. I have tried many times but there's nothing to do, bad habits are bad habits! Let's see what I am talking about ...
obj.prop = obj.prop || defProp;
Can anyone answer exactly what are we trying to do up there? ^_^ Don't bother, here the summary and ... NO, we are not trying to do what we think!
  1. access a possibly undefined property to a generic object
  2. if that was a getter, invoking a getter of that object
  3. either getter or property, verifying after lookup that value is not "", 0, false, NaN, null, or undefined
  4. even if defined, discarding any of previous valid values in order to lookup for the variable defProp, assuming this won't have similar values we already discarded or the sequence could be infinitely pointless if repeated
  5. once a value has been addressed, if any, assign as the property of the object
  6. if this has a setter, invoke the setter for no reason potentially reacting for no reason as property update.
  7. if the prop had a getter only, we have simply raised an Error ^_^ and without any valid reason

Nobody Uses Getters/Setters Anyhow

Excuse me? It's even worst than we think since one of the most powerful, cool, useful, tools ever for JS has been approved in harmony: Object.observe(). Can you imagine a defProp as NaN by mistake so that these three lines will most likely cause three records notifications because we are using a dumb pattern to assign a property if not defined yet? ^_^
// NaN != NaN => true
var defProp = NaN;
obj.prop = obj.prop || defProp;
obj.prop = obj.prop || defProp;
obj.prop = obj.prop || defProp;
// 3 notification records
// 1 as "new", the one we are interested
// 2 as update, with "same value" ...
Just Brilliant, and moArover this habit is so common that whoever will decide to simulate Object.observe() through Proxy (I am already, stay tuned) will need to guard the Records creations and notifications avoiding redundant notification because developers keep reassigning for no reason!

As Easy As This

// the in operator does not trigger anything
"prop" in obj || ( = defProp

// alternatively, no trigging
obj.hasOwnProperty("prop") || (
  obj.prop = defProp
There, you better embrace this pattern or you gonna have bad time soon either with Proxy, already available, and Object.observe, specially when we don't know who created the object and how. So, once again, repeat with me: avoid property access and/or reassignment for no reason, no excuse!

Bitwise To The Rescue

Rather than understand them, we often avoid them ... well, we shouldn't. Bitwise are cool and let us make a lot of things. These days we are discussing Collection#has(key) and Collection#contains(value) where latter one could be the equivalent, if it won't use identicalType() to -1 < arr.indexOf(value) or, as I can read in many source code, the boring arr.indexOf(value) !== -1. How about if (~arr.indexOf(value)) { ... } to know if an Array contains a value? Problems only with massive collection length but that's 99% of the time not our case. If you are wondering what's going on there, consider that ~ is the equivalent operation of -(x + 1) where -1 is the only number that becomes 0, the falsy value, while all other indexes, included 0, will be -1 or lower number, all truthy.

Smart Configuration

How many times we end up defining configuration options as strings ? ie, "shrink", "minify", "lint" ... And how many check to define one or more behavior, accordingly to these strings? And how about having same behavior within different configuration options ? if (obj.option == "shrink" || obj.option == "minify") { ... } or even this: /^shrink|minify$/.test(obj.option), creating a RegExp object maybe for each time we want to check that option ... how about this:
var Option = {};
Option.SHRINK = 1 << 0; // pow(2, 0)
Option.MINIFY = 1 << 1; // pow(2, 1)
Option.LINT   = 1 << 2; // pow(2, 2)
// etc ...
Option.ALL    = Option.SHRINK |
                Option.MINIFY |
Option.NUT    = Option.ALL &

// test
  Option.SHRINK & Option.MINIFY, // 0
  Option.LINT & Option.MINIFY,   // 0
  Option.MINIFY & Option.MINIFY, // 2
  Option.SHRINK & Option.ALL,    // 1
  Option.LINT & Option.ALL,      // 4
  Option.MINIFY & Option.ALL,    // 2
  Option.ALL & Option.ALL,       // 7
  Option.SHRINK & Option.NUT,    // 1
  Option.MINIFY & Option.NUT,    // 2
  Option.LINT & Option.NUT,      // 0
  Option.ALL & Option.NUT        // 3

The easiest way to configure an object is via obj.option = Option.LINT | Option.MINIFY, as example, and we are sure that all associated operations will be performed ... how ? As example, with a switch :)
switch (!!obj.option) {
  case !!(obj.option & Option.ALL):
    // perform linting first
  case !!(obj.option & Option.NUT):
    // perform minification shrinking ?
      obj.option & Option.SHRINK
If we don't like the double not we can always use a function b(v){return !!v} and make it look gorgeous, isn't it?

Enough for this time

These are just few things I've been dealing with recently either with my projects or in some mailing list. More will come as soon as I spot it, of course ... right now, just think about these patterns and hint, maybe your code could make more sense, becoming more readable, easier to maintain, future proof, and all this with very little extra effort. Have a nice week end.

Friday, October 12, 2012

All Right, Gentlemen!

... this is after my latest post, just to summarize with a bit of humor my thoughts on developers getting easily excited with new stuff :D

Once again, not everything is wrong with TypeScript, but this is how I have really felt as soon as I have heard about this yet another JS superset and after a quick analysis through examples.

better if deca

learn twice

a better web

without standards

Thursday, October 11, 2012

JavaScript Made Everyone Crazy

Nobody seems to be happy, nobody seems to understand it ... everyone is trying to change it, pretending to make it better ... and again, nobody seems to realize it has been here since ever, it has been working in any field, it does everything, and it keeps getting faster!

One Scripting To Rule Them All

As simple as that: Dart compiles into JavaScript so does Java, CoffeeScript, C, C++ and any LLVM compatible/compilable language via Emscripten ... and now TypeScript too ... how cool is that? As tweeted before, if every programming language can be basically translated into JavaScript which is already an extremely high level scripting language, don't ya think that maybe is not exactly JavaScript the problem ? Don't ya think maybe it's time to learn it rather than keep moaning about it ? Hasn't this language already demonstrated to be one of the most malleable, powerful, adaptable, reusable, recyclable, expressive out there ? So why everyone is trying to pretend this language is not good? Why everybody wants this language to be something nobody needed until now or something that different?

What Is Wrong With TypeScript

I don't know where to start here ... but I'll try to make few points based on examples, OK? Please bear with me, you'll get it too.

Type Inconsistencies

Ironically, this is the very first point. Consider these two functions:
// note that string is written lowercase
function primitive(s:string):void {

// note that String is written PascalCase
function wrapper(s:String):void {
Now, with this "revolutionary brand new language" I ask you two simple questions and you should be able to answer me without testing, OK?
  1. will this call produce an error? primitive(new String(""))
  2. how about this one? wrapper("")
The truth is: there is no way to enforce the usage of a wrapper ... a language born to put on a scripting language types, is not strict with types themselves. string accepts primitives only, those that typeof(s) === "string" but String accepts both primitives and wrappers ... so basically, the most basic problem about JS is still there and developers are not encouraged to understand the difference between new String and just "string", they will put String everywhere feeling like they know what they are doing ... they are using classes ... WOOOOOOOW! Even more funny is the usage of bool rather than boolean, so that even what you know about JS does not work anymore ... so I guess Bool would be at least available, right?
The name 'Bool' does not exist in the current scope
Exactly, Boolean is the wrapper for bool: congrats! What do you say? It was to speed up typing? ... that's why you wanted types, to write less? ... wait ... what?

Fake Security

If you believe that typed code means better code quality, you are wrong. Typed code usually means that the developer knows types in advance ... that's pretty much it. In this attempt, where code is not resolved runtime, only types are, the feeling you are safer than before is natural ... well, you are not
function wtf(s:string):number {
  return s.charCodeAt(0);
Above function contract is extremely simple for both input and output ... too bad TypeScript cannot do much when it comes to calling the function, understanding that maybe that input has no char in index 0 so that wtf("") will produce a lovely NaN able to screw the rest of the logic because guess what ... NaN is considered a number: congrats again, another problem kept with TypeScript! Anyway, the latter example shows that it does not matter if input and output types are OK, it matters the logic. The fact String#charCodeAt returns a number does not mean that using it is safe. Same thing is with function s(o:Object):string {return o.toString();} which can easily fail with an object created through a null prototype, you know what I mean? This cannot be solved during translation time ... sorry for that!

Getting Worst On Security

In order to maintain decent performances, TypeScript tries to translate potatoes in potatoes ... which means, not too much magic, neither 17.000 lines of JavaScript are needed to simulate something JS is not, both ES3 and ES5. This time, I am talking about private attribute in classes and here an example:
class Point {
  // private they say ...
  private test:bool = false;
    public x:number,
    public y:number
  ) {}
  method():number {
    return this.x * this.y;

class ColoredPoint extends Point {
    public color:string
  ) {
    super(x, y);
  method():number {
    return 2 * super.method();
What I am going to show you, is the demonstration that private in TypeScript is the last thing ever you can rely on:
// a lovely colored point
var cp = new ColoredPoint(
  10, 10, "test"

console.log(cp.color); // test

// accessing the private property
// from an extend, so not from the
// class it has been defined private
console.log(cp[cp.color]); // false

// setting the private property
cp[cp.color] = true;

// funny enough, this would be the same
cp["test"] = true;

console.log(cp[cp.color]); // true
Et voilà, mesdames et messieurs, private in TypeScript is and will always be a lie, for the simple reason JavaScript is that highly dynamic language you don't want to learn which is highly dynamic indeed. If you know JavaScript, you know also how to make things truly private when necessary ... in a much more reliable, secure, and meaningful way than what is offered here.
Repeated History? This kind of attack to private properties, obj.pvt VS obj["pvt"], was possible with ActionScript 2 as well ( damn it ... was it 2003 or 4? can't remember ). Adobe in that case did something similar TypeScript, Dart, or CofeeScript are trying to do to JavaScript but with ActionScript 1: it added sugar on top that was giving nothing to the language. This was because AS1 could already represent basically everything AS2 was able to do (AS2 was based on ECMAScript 4 same as C#, Silverlight, Air, and AS3). Moreover, AS2 has never been safer, better, smaller, or faster. It has been actually an epic fail since it has been replaced by AS3 the year after which was incompatible with AS1 and the reason I have abandoned Flash development: nothing better, just more pain in the ass! Cross platform problems were still there but a whole new language and namespaces to learn ... WOHOAW, and goodbye! ActionScript 1 has been a great product and it was 99% like JavaScript. This language that made Flash the most powerful and popular plugin ever changed, and the plugin is slowly dying since that time indeed ... I hope JavaScript won't do the same because for more than 12 years it has been just awesome and is still there, today more than ever, catching up with everyday modern/real-world challenges and without a glitch!

Translated Parent Accessor

One thing TypeScript got right about classes! Thanks gosh it did not attach anything to the prototype or each instance such this.super() and similar bullshit ... well done! But suddenly, "le wild WTF appears": super in the generated JS code, is the function, the constructor, and not the prototype, so that any super.methodName() call is translated into! This means that every super call will perform two lookups and will not ensure that the parent prototype cannot and should not be redefined runtime ... is that what TypeScript would like to be compatible with? I hope no ... so that constructor a part, in this way, every method of every class is penalized with performances and only the constructor has direct access: potentially O(methods * eachClass) rather than just O(classes) prototype lookups.

The Increased Performance Myth

The funny thing about TypeScript, is that basically the only real and concrete advantage of typed languages, the cost free and great improvement performance speaking, is completely absent. Not only all these typed checks are performed during translation and never again, but the tiny abstraction of the syntax requires more code than needed, as more closures than needed, as more memory, operations, function calls than needed so, in few words, performance is worst than before. OK, is not as bad as the whole Dart library moved in mobile devices, but still slower than good old JavaScript with or without common, well known, libraries.

No Benefits At All

After this analysis of "the latest coolest hybrid version of JavaScript", I believe things are clear:
  • more to write because of types (that's OK), more to learn, because of a new behavior specified in a 0.8 draft (that's not OK)
  • no concrete advantages over common JavaScript and its well known shenanigans: DOM still a mess, wrapper VS primitives, undefined and null or NaN, operators and other stuff too ... just YAGNI sugar that supposes to make us happy and dunno why
  • new shenanigans as it is for every bloody programming language ... so we have to be careful with both TypeScript and double check the equivalent generated JavaScript to be sure things are OK and as expected for real: double learning, OMG!
  • performance is worst ... maybe JIT compilers could somehow take advantage of TypeScript generated code but I don't think so plus is more code than needed as it is for every translator: not optimized, rarely faster
  • we can have mapped source code with TypeScript, we cannot have double mapped source code to understand errors if we would like to chose a different minifier over the TypeScript generated JS code
  • more I haven't talked about ...

Not All Wrong Neither

I know this post looks like I am throwing stones to MS intent and effort over this TypeScript tool / thing / language / proposal / whateveritis but I am not, I swear. I love the direction Microsoft is taking since IE9 but I have also said, and it wasn't just me, that the Web needs something else which is not sugar. Cool tools for debugging are all welcome ... new tools for something that does not solve a thing are a waste of time. We would like tools to make the Web better for every browser, faster for every CPU, graphically shiny for every screen ... classes for massive apps won't help anyone to make this happen and we all have the proof today that JavaScript never needed classes to scale, what we need are developers that know the language, use it properly, and move the web forward, rather than being stuck with sugar and sugar and sugar and sugar ... IMHO!

Everyone Is Crazy

Scripting Languages suppose to be easy, expressive and powerful, and JavaScript is one of them. The fact it has no classical inheritance is driving people crazy since ever: they need classes, that seems to be the only way they can think programming ... meanwhile, we all created what is the Web today and is far away from perfect but it's a great place and it's getting better on daily basis. Look what has been done ... think if strict types and classical OOP was the missing thing ... look again, and now move forward with your next, awesome, JavaScript based thing that will simply work everywhere and will satisfy your expectations! Thanks for reading, appreciated.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Web Viewport Size

if you ever had to deal with the full size of an HTML document, I know that feeling bro!

The Most Difficult Thing To Get Right Ever!

I mean, even google maps had some problem with that, preferring a user agent sniffing like technique rather than finding the real size of the window. This image is directly from latest Maximiliano Firtman post, a post you should read regardless this single topic!

The Useless window.screen

The object you might decide to check for is completely pointless for this purpose ... and the reason is simple: screen does not give any meaningful number to the Web field. The size of the screen in pixel means nothing when the viewport meta tag is set to scale 1, as example. The size means nothing in any case since it's about the full size of the screen and not the current DOM, viewport, window, size. The availWidth/Height property isn't that trustable neither, URL bar on the top or on the bottom, or both, could be in place ... how you gonna deal with that ...

Not only screen Problems

The webOS browser is a freaking cool one and still more recent than many other Webkit stock browsers stuck in some android 2.3.something ... so why would you drop webOS support now? Most likely, is gonna be just another slice of compatible devices you gonna have in your portfolio. Well, webOS, and I am talking about Palm Pre 1 and 2, has an horrible bug: you change orientation, things start zooming in and out out of control ... WHY??? Gosh it tok a while to understand how to fix it ... still no idea "why" thought!

Full Screen and iOS 6 safari Mobile

Problems ain't solved with latest Apple Operating System, actually ... problems are more than expected. The new 'full screen" feature provided by iOS6 does not obviously fire the "orientationchange" event, it fires "resize" one once in full screen and does not fire a thing once it goes back ... here again google maps trusting user agent sniffing like based approach: How lovely is that massive, wasted, white rectangle at the bottom ? What basically every single Web app is doing wrong right now, is to increase the full screen size by those (in)famous 60 pixels so that after they can call window.scroll(0, 0); ... well, all these software must be updated in order to understand that full screen, does not mean navigator.standalone neither means that the height of the document should be increased by 60 ... got it?

IE 6, 7, 8, and 9 Mobile WTFucks!!!

Best part is about these browsers ... specially the mobile one, at least in my Samsung WP7 Omnia Phone, I had to decrease the height by 75 pixels when in portrait, and 5 pixels while in landscape ... and that was completely random but ... you know, it worked :D For all other Desktop IE < 9 versions well ... many fixes and shit about scroll bars but hey ... I don't care, I think I have solved almost everything!

The Test Case

Well it's kinda simple, you check this page, and you see a 1 red pixel as full screen border no matter what Mobile or Desktop browser you are using ... it should just work and please let me know if it does not, thanks!

The Module

It's part of a repository I am keeping updated with completely random, but tested, stuff ... here it is, a 1.57KB (843 bytes gzipped) piece of code that could make your full screen life much easier, isn't it?

How Does It Work

Well, the index.html source code should give you some hint but here the basic:
window.addEventListener("viewportsize", function (e) {
  // here you change what you want
  // the 'e' object will have a 'result' property
  // containing width and height, e.g.
  myCanvas.width = e.result.width;
  myCanvas.height = e.result.height;
}, false);
Above example will make your canvas full screen no matter which device is running it .. aint that cool!

Freaking Flicking

Oh well, unfortunately to avoid problems in many good old Androids and webOS, plus Windows Phones too, the hidden body is necessary. Just try to imagine and consider that switching between landscape and portrait orientation is not such common thing ... usually that's performed when there's something wrong with the layout so ... you rather improve your layout skills here ;)

Android URL Bar

Yeah, I don't care ... I mean, Android phones have bigger screens than iPhone and iPod, so if iphone full screen once pinned is enough, Androids phones are OK as they are too. Thing is, ther eis no standard between stock and non stock browsers with the URL bar size so, rather than guessing or thinking cool, it's this Android, must go for N pixels I prefer focus actually only on those Androids phones that eventually have really no space at all, in therms of pixels, to show something meaningful. Small screens are welcome for tests and debug, Galaxy S3 with full screen option .. YAGNI!

Why Is This Important

Well, I guess if you reached this part you know already but here the thing ... sometimes you don't want the browser to scroll, the body to grow, your app to be unmanaged by the default browser scroll system, your game to be moved around, your designe to not be full screen ... did I forget anything here? :) Have fun with full screen Web Apps and please let me know if your device doesn't work, thanks!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012 - one button web app to track activities

This is a truly simple web application I am still improving but I believe it's ready to be tested for all of you :)

The purpose of this app is to track an activity.
First of all, if you want to take full advantage and be able to use this app offline, pin it into your Home and you'll be free by network problems forever.

That's correct, there is nothing, absolutely nothing stored online ... it's your data, it's you tracking it ... no magic behind and 100% anonymous.

How Does It Work

As easy as that: you press the button once when you do something. By default, something is smoking, but it could be drinking or really, anything else you can imagine.

How To Read Data

The graph will look weird at the very beginning ... well, you have to feed your own data in a meaningful way so it takes a while ...
The graph is based on absolute time, rather than relative, and it keeps changing over the week, hours, month.
The goal of your activity is to reduce it to zero so ... a good graph, is a graph that does not exist.
This is if you really want to quit, otherwise you can play with your data without problems.

Why Absolute Time

Let's imagine you really would like to cut down cigarettes, OK? Now, it's Friday, 11:55pm, you had already few drinks, and you have a cigarette. Surely over a night out that graph will increase, you know it's true ... right?
Well, this graph should never give you the illusion you are doing OK ... which means, at midnight, there's no way you gonna have a fresh new clean column ... no, the purpose is to reduce, and to reduce over the time.
This time, your last 24 hours, is considering all those cigarettes ... deal with that, it's you smoking!

What If I Cheat

This is your problem, I cannot help if you cheat your same data, sorry.

Does It Work

I don't know ... I quitted smoking last Friday and I am pretty happy to have a clean graph ... but I swear I have tried to cut down before and every week end was again a mess ... so yeah, the best way to quit, is just quit I guess, but if you want to try cutting down and see if that works for you, now you have the easiest way ever to do it :)

Happy WebApp, and take care!

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

A Meaningful Client Side Alternative To node require()


Here you have the solution to all your problems ... no? So take a break, and read through :)

Current Status

Using a generic "module loader" for JavaScript files is becoming a common technique, and full of wins, not only on the node.js server side. There are different client side alternatives, not entirely based over the module concept, and apparently only one concrete proposal, called AMD, able to work in both server and client following a build/parsing procedure.
However, as somebody pointed out already ...

AMD is Not the Answer

This post does not even tell everything bad about AMD problems, and I am getting there, but it's surely a good starting point.
Tobie article is another resource that inspired somehow what I am going to propose here, so before discriminating this or that technique, I hope you'll find time to understand the whole problem ... found it? Let's go on then :)

The Beauty Of node.js require Function

I don't think I should even spend many words here ...

// module: compress

// in the global scope, it's just a module
// so no pollution to the global/window object
// no need to put everything in yet another closure
var fs = require("fs");

// just as example
this.compress = function (file, fn) {
// check this out!
fs.createWriteStream(file + ".gz")
).on("close", function () {
var content = fs.readFileSync(file + ".gz");
fs.unlinkSync(file + ".gz");

So basically, with a synchronous require(module) call we can decide whenever we want where that module should be included in our logic. This means we don't need to think in advance to all needed dependencies for our current module, as well as this doesn't require to split in many nested functions our asynchronous logic.
Look at above example ... in node world the require("fs") is performed basically in every single module ... the FileSystem is that important, hell yeah!
We dont' care much about requiring it at the very beginning of above stupid module 'cause surely that operation will cost nothing! Each module is cached indeed so there's actually zero impact if we use a require hundreds of time inline ... really, it's that fast, but the very first one might cost a bit.
This is why require("zlib") is loaded only once, and only when it's needed ... so that memory, disk, cpu, and everything else, can live in peace before the very first call of that exported method while after that, that call will cost again nothing.

Is a mandatory nested function call through AMD logic as fast as above example? I tell you, NO, but this is not the real problem, is it?

AMD Does Not Truly Scale

... as simple as that. If you need a build process behind something that could fail in any case, I would say you are doing it wrong. I am talking about current era, where internet connection could be there or not ... I am talking about mobile and I give you a very basic example.
I have created my freaking cool website or webapp that loads asynchronously everything and I am on the road with my supa-dupa smart phone.
When "suddenly, le wild spot without internet coverage appears"!
Now I press that lovely button in the lovely application that loads asynchronously the lovely next part of my action and guess what happens ... are you there? Nothing!
That instant without my mobile network will screw up my flow, will break my action, will let me wait "forever" and in most common cases, it will block me to use properly the app.
Of course, if that action required server side interaction, that action won't work in any case ... but how come I don't even see a notification? How come pieces of my application are not showing up telling me that there is actually a problem, rather than letting me wait without any notification, 'couse probably even notification logic was created as AMD module?

And what if connection is simply bad? The whole application or website is responding decently but that part, oh gosh how much I was planning to use that app part, is taking ages to load! How would you feel in front of such program?

AMD Resolves Lazy/Circular Load Synchronously

That's correct ... gotcha! Have you ever read what you should do in order to resolve modules that load asynchronously other modules inside themselves?

//Inside b.js:
define(["require", "a"],
function(require, a) {
//"a" in this case will be null if a also asked for b,
//a circular dependency.
return function(title) {
// me: Excuse me ... WUT?
return require("a").doSomething();

So here the thing, if "by accident" you have a circular dependency you should use require() as node.js does ... oh well ...

On Circular Dependencies / Cycles

This topic is one of the biggest paradox about programming ... we try to decouple everything, specially when it comes to write modules, so that not a single part of the app should be aware of the surrounding environment ... isn't it? Then someone said that circular dependencies are bad ... but how come?
Here an example, a truly stupid one:
Hi, I am a human, the human module, and I am completely sufficient, but I need to go in a place that would take too much by my own ... so I need the module car.

Hi, I am a car, the module car, and I am fabulous by my own, but I need the module human to be able to go somewhere.

A partner, better than a car, could also explain the fact we actually think in circular references all the time ... am I wrong?
The AMD take in this case is that "we should change the require logic when this happens and we should be aware in advance in order to solve this" ... yeah, nice, so now in AMD we have two ways to require and return what we export ... and once again, in my humble opinion, this does not scale ... at all!

Double Effort, Double Code!

With AMD we don't only need to change our AMD code/style/logic when things are not known in advance, as showed before ... we also need to write code for modules that is not compatible with node.js, resulting in such piece of redundant code that I believe nobody truly want to write more than once in a programmer life.
Take an excellent library as lodash is, and check what it has to do in order to be compatible with AMD too ...

// expose Lo-Dash
// some AMD build optimizers, like r.js, check for specific condition patterns like the following:
if (typeof define == 'function' && typeof define.amd == 'object' && define.amd) {
// Expose Lo-Dash to the global object even when an AMD loader is present in
// case Lo-Dash was injected by a third-party script and not intended to be
// loaded as a module. The global assignment can be reverted in the Lo-Dash
// module via its `noConflict()` method.
window._ = lodash;

// define as an anonymous module so, through path mapping, it can be
// referenced as the "underscore" module
define(function() {
return lodash;
// check for `exports` after `define` in case a build optimizer adds an `exports` object
else if (freeExports) {
// in Node.js or RingoJS v0.8.0+
if (typeof module == 'object' && module && module.exports == freeExports) {
(module.exports = lodash)._ = lodash;
// in Narwhal or RingoJS v0.7.0-
else {
freeExports._ = lodash;
else {
// in a browser or Rhino
window._ = lodash;

Now ... ask yourself, is this what you want to write for every single module you gonna create that might work in both server and client side?

Combined AMD Modules

Here another possibility, super cool ... we can combine all modules together into a single file: YEAH! But if this what you do for your project, don't you wonder what is the point then to use all those "asynchronous ready" callbacks if these will be executed in a synchronous way in production? Was that different syntax truly needed? And what about JS engines parsing time? Is processing the whole project at once in a single file a good thing for both Desktop and Mobile?
Why are you developing asynchronously with all those nested callbacks if you provide a synchronous build? Is the code size affected? Does all this make any sense?

AMD, The Good Part... Maybe

OK, there must be some part of this logic that conquered many developers out there .. and I must admit AMD "solved with nonchalance" the fact JavaScript, in the client side, has always had problems with the global scope pollution.
The fact AMD forces us to write the module inside a function that receives already arguments with other needed modules, is a win ... but wait a second, wasn't that boring before that nobody until now wrote a single bloody closure to avoid global scope pollution?
I think AMD is a side effect, with all possible noble and good purpose, of a general misunderstanding of how is JS code sharing across libraries.
Let's remember we never even thought about modules until we started clashing with all possible each other polluting namespaces, global variables, Object.prototype, and any sort of crap, thinking we are the only script ever running in a web page ... isn't it?
So kudos for AMD, at least there is a function, but where the hack is the "use strict" directive suggested for every single bloody AMD module in any example you can find in the documentation? where is the global pollution problem solver, if developers are not educated or warned about the problem itself?

node.js require ain't gold neither

When network, roundtrips and latency come into the game, the node.js require() solution does not fit, scale, work, neither.
If you understand how Loading from node_modules Folders logic works, and you have an extra look into All Together diagram, you will realize that all those checks, performed through an HTTP connection, won't ever make sense on the client side.
Are we stuck then? Or there's some tiny little brick in the middle that is not used, common, public, or discussed yet?

A node require() Like, For Client Side

Eventually, here where I was heading since the beginning: my require_client proposal ... gosh it took long!
Rewind ... How about having the best from all techniques described "here and there" in order to:
  • avoid big files parsing, everything is parsed once and on demand
  • provide an easy to use builder for production ready single file code
  • use one single syntax/model/style to define modules for both node or client side
  • solve cycles exactly as node does
  • forget 10 lines of checks to export a bloody module
  • organize namespaces in folders
  • obtain excellent performance
  • make a single file distributable
... and finally, compare results against all other techniques?
Here, the AMD loader, versus the inline and DOM script injection loader, versus the dev version of my proposal, and finally the production/compiled version of my proposal ... how about that? You can use any console, profiler, dev tool/thing you want, to compare results, it's about a 150Kb total amount of scripts with most of them loaded ASAP, and one loaded on "load" event.
You can measure jquery, underscore, backbonejs, and the ironically added as last script head.js script there within their loading/parsing/ready time.

Reading Results

If you think nowadays the DOMContentLoaded event is all you need to startup faster your web page/app, you are probably wrong. DOMContentLoaded event means almost nothing for real UX, because a user that has a DOM ready but can't use, because modules and logic are not loaded yet, or see, because CSS and images have not been resolved yet, the page/app, is simply a "user waiting" rather than interacting and nothing else.
Accordingly, if you consider the code flow and the time everything is ready to be used, the compiled require() method is the best option you have: it's freaking fast!

"use strict" included

The best part I could think about, is the "use strict"; directive by default automatically prepended to any module that is going to be parsed.
This is a huge advantage for client side code because while we are able to create as many var as we want in the module scope, the engine parser and compiler will instantly raise an error the line and column we forgot a variable declaration. All other safer things are in place and working but .. you know, maybe you don't want this?
That's why the require_client compiler makes the strict configuration property easy to spot, configure, and change ... as long as you know why you are doing that, everything is fine.

How Does It Work

The compiler includes a 360 bytes once minzipped function that when is not optimized simply works through XHR.
This function could be the very only global function you need, since every module is evaluated sandboxed and with all node.js module behaviors.
You can export a function itself, you can export a module, you can require inside a module, you can do 90% of what you could do in a node.js environment.
You don't need to take care of global variables definition, those won't affect other modules.
What you should do, is to remember that this is the client so the path you choose in the development version, is the root, as any node_modules folder would be.
If you clone the repository, you can test via copy and paste the resulting build/require.js in whatever browser console traps such require_client ~/folder_you_put_staff/require_client/js or require_client ~/folder_you_put_staff/require_client/cycles.
require("a") in the first case and require("main") in the second.
In order to obtain a similar portable function you should create a folder with all scripts and point to that folder via require_client so that a script with all inclusions will be created.

A Basic Example

So here what's the require_client script is able to produce.
Let's imagine this is our project folder structure:


The index.html file can simply have a single script in its header that includes and the bootstrap module through require("main");, as example.
So, let's imagine we have module a, b, and main inside the js folder, OK?
require_client project/js project/require.js
This call will produce the require.js file such as:

/*! (C) Andrea Giammarchi */
var require=function(c,d,e){function l(n,m){return m?n:g[n]}function b(o){var m=a[o]={},n={id:o,parent:c,filename:l(o,h),web:h};n[k]=m;d("global","module",k,(e.strict?"'use strict';":"")+l(o)).call(m,c,n,m);[k],i)||(m[i]=h);return m}function f(m){return,m)?a[m]:a[m]=b(m)}var k="exports",i="loaded",h=!0,a={},j=a.hasOwnProperty,g={
"a": "console.log(\"a starting\");exports.done=false;var b=require(\"b\");console.log(\"in a, b.done = \"+b.done);exports.done=true;console.log(\"a done\");",
"main": "console.log(\"main starting\");var a=require(\"a\");var b=require(\"b\");console.log(\"in main, a.done=\"+a.done+\", b.done=\"+b.done);",
"b": "console.log(\"b starting\");exports.done=false;var a=require(\"a\");console.log(\"in b, a.done = \"+a.done);exports.done=true;console.log(\"b done\");"
};f.config=e;f.main=c;return f}(this,Function,{
Now the index.html could simply include reuiqre.js rather than the dev version ;)
Above program is the same showed in node.js API documentation about cycles. If you copy and paste this code in any console and you write after require("main"); you'll see the expected result.
As summary, require_client is able to minify and place inline all your scripts, creating modules names based on files and folders hierarchy.
All modules will be evaluated with a global object, already available, as well as module, exports, and the latter used as the module context.
The simple object based cache system will ensure these modules are evaluated once and never again.

What's YAGNI

Few things, that could change, are not in on purpose. As example, the module.parent is always the global object, since in fact, it's in the global scope, through Function compilation, that the module will be parsed the very first time. Not sure we need a complicated mechanism to chain calls and also this mechanism is error prone.
If you have 2 scripts requiring the same module, first come, first serve. The second one should not affect runtime the already parsed module changing suddenly the module.parent property ... you know what I mean?
The path resolution is a no-go, rather than trying to fix all possible messes with paths and OS, put your files in a single JS folder and consider that one your virtual node_modules one for clients.
If you have folder links inside the JS folder it's OK, but if you have recursive links you are screwed. Please keep it simple while I think how to avoid such problem within the require_client logic, thanks.

What Is Not There Yet

If your project is more than a megabyte minzipped, you might want to be able to split in different chunks the code so that the second, last, injected, require, won't disturb the first one. This is not in place yet since this free time project was born for a small/medium web app I am working on that will be out pretty soon ... an app that surely does not need such amount of code as many other web app should NOT ... but you know, I've been talking about scaling so much that a note about the fact this solution won't scale so nicely with massive projects is a must say.

UpdateJust landed a version that does not cause conflicts with require itself. The first defined require will be the one used everywhere so it's now possible to name a project and include it in the main page so ... parallel projects are now available ;)

If you would like to reuse node modules that work in the client side too, you needto copy them inside the path folder.
The configuration object is the one you can find at the end of the require.js file ... there are two defaults there, but you can always change them via require.config.path = "different"; as well as you can drop the require.config.strict = false; directive so that modules will be evaluated without "use strict"; directive.
Anything else? Dunno ... you might come up with some hint, question, suggestion. And thanks for reading :), I know it was a long one!

Last Thoughts

If AMD and RequireJS comes with a compiler able to make everything already available somehow, think how much pointless become the optimization once you can have already available all dependencies without needing to write JS code in a different way, regardless it's for node.js or the client web normal code.
There are NOT really many excuse to keep polluting the global scope with variables, we have so may alternatives today that keep doing it would result as evil as any worst technique you can embrace in JS world.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Safer JS Environment

Oh well, apparently I wasn't joking here and I went even further ... so here I am with a weird hack you probably never thought about before ;)

A Globally Frozen Environment

Have you ever thought about this in the global context?


Apparently not even browser vendors such Chrome or Safari since this condition, today, is always false: Object.isFrozen(Object.freeze(this));, and even if it works as expected after freezing.
Firefox and node.js got it right while Opera Next throws an error .. but latter a part ...

Stop Any Global Pollution

That's right, if you freeze the window or global object, guess what happens here:


var a = 123;
alert(this.a); // undefined
alert(a); // error: a is not defined

We cannot even by mistake create a global variable ... there's no lint that could miss that.

Moreover, if you are worried about malicious code able to change some global function or constructor, you can stop worrying with proposed freeze call: that will break instantly and any manual quick test will instantly fail rather than keep going.

What About Namespaces

Well, if global namespaces, this hack will prevent the creation of any namespace.
However, we are in RequireJS and AMD module loader era where a module is imported inline through require() or inside a callback with AMD. The only important thing, is that at least the require function must be defined before this hack is performed or even that one cannot be used.

Once we have require() things are that easy, you create your own private scope and you do your own stuff in that scope being still sure that you won't pollute the global scope plus you won't be scared about other scripts ... you have your virtual sandbox

Object.freeze(this) && function (global) {
// here all local variables you want
fs = require("fs"),
mymodule = require("./mymodule")
// do the hack you want

// AMD style
require(["fs", "./mymodule"], function (fs, mymodule) {
// already in a closure so ...
// do the hack you want

Too Restrictive? Object.prototype Then!

At least we can think about freezing the Object.prototype as the very first script in any webpage so the nightmare JSLint is talking about, the slow, boring, and probably already not necessary since no recent library is extending the Object.prototype since ages, hasOwnProperty() check, does not need to be in every bloody for/in 'cause you know what? Nobody can change, add, pollute, the global Object.prototype!


// everything else after

for (var key in {}) {
// screw {}.hasOwnProperty, IT'S NOT NEEDED!

How About Both

If you are the only owner of your scripts, if you load node.js modules, by default with the ability to screw things up in the global context, or if you use AMD where global pollution should never be necessary, you might decide that this script is your best friend.

try {
// (C) WebReflection - Mit Style License
!function(global, Object){"use strict";
// buggy in both Chrome and Safari
// always false
if (!Object.isFrozen(global)) {
var freeze = Object.freeze;
).forEach(function (prop) {
var tmp = global[prop];
switch(typeof tmp) {
case "function":
tmp = tmp.prototype;
case "object":
if (tmp) {
// console might not be freezable
// same is for String.prototype
// if applied twice and only in Safari
try {freeze(tmp)} catch(o_O) {}
// Opera Next has some problem here
try {freeze(global)} catch(o_O) {}
}(this, Object);
} catch(o_O) { /* still in IE < 9 browser ... */ }

As summary, let's write down benefits of this technique:
  1. global context is free from pollution, no missed var will work anymore so it's instantly fixed before the eventual usage of a linter
  2. for/in loops could have a massive boost over object literals since nobody can possibly change the Object.prototype
  3. ES5 enabled browsers, which means all current browsers for desktop and mobile except desktop IE < 9, will prevent greedy or outdated scripts, to make the environment less secure
  4. nobody can redefine eval or Function, used sometimes for reasons but the most insecure global functions we have in JS
  5. we are forced to think in modules, 'cause there won't be any other way to load external script or dependency
  6. the only script that needs, eventually, to be loaded, will be the require() one, which means faster bootstrap by default thanks to smaller amount of synchronous bytes required to initialized our project
  7. in node.js, we are forced to write in a function even the main program, rather than polluting global object with stuff that might disturb required modules (which is true for all require/AMD based solutions too)

What do you think?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Why JSON Won ... And Is Good As It Is

I keep seeing developers complaining about different things with JSON protocol and don't get me wrong, I've been the first one trying to implement any sort of alternative starting from JSOMON and many others ... OK?

Well, after so many years of client/server development is not that I've given up on thinking "something could be better or different", is just that I have learned on my skin all reasons JSON is damn good as it is, and here just a few of these reasons.

Reliable Serialization ?

No, 'cause YAGNI. There are few serialization processes I know that kinda work as expected and since ever, PHP serialize is a good example.
Recursion is not a problem, is part of the serialization process to solve it, as well as classes together with protected and private properties. You can save almost any object within its state, even if this object won't be, as reference, the same you serialized .. and I would say: of course!
There are also two handy methods, __sleep and __wakeup, able to let you save an object state in a meaningful way and retrieve it back or perform some action during deserialization.

Are these things available in JSON ? Thanks gosh NO! JSON should not take care of recursive objects ... or better, it's freaking OK if it's not compatible 'cause recursion is a developer matter or issue, not a protocol one!
All JSON can do is to provide a way to intercept serialization so that any object with a .toJSON() method can return it's own state and any time JSON.parse() is performed, it could bring back, if truly necessary, its recursive property.

So, at the end of the day, JSON implementations might provide already a similar way to __sleep and __wakeup objects but it should be the JSON string owner, the service, the developer, to take care of these problems, and simply because ....

Universal Compatibility

JSON is a protocol and as a protocol it should be as compatible as possible with all languages, not only those C like or others with similar comments ... there won't be comments ever in JSON, 'cause the moment you need comments, you don't need a transport protocol 'cause programming languages have always ignored developers comments ... and also, for compatibility reasons, not all programming languages would like to have // or /* */ or even # as inline or multiline comment ... why would they?

Specially in .NET world most of documentation is written in a pseudo XML, can you imagine you bothering yourself to write such redundant markup language to write something often ignored by developers ? Would you like to have that "crap" as part of the data you are sending or receiving via JSON as part of that protocol? I personally don't ... thanks! 'cause I believe a transport protocol should be as compact as possible and without problems.
Here JSON wins once again 'cause it's compatible, with its few universal rules, with basically everything.

Different Environments

This is the best goal ever reached from a protocol, the fact that every programming language can represent somehow what JSON transports.
Lists, Arrays, Dictionaries, Objects, Maps, Hashes, call them as you want, these are the most used and cross language entities we all deal with on daily bases, together with booleans, strings, and numbers.

OK, OK, specially numbers are quite generic but you might admit that the world is still OK with a generic Int32 or Float32 number and with 64bits compatible environments, these numbers could be of a different type but only if you will never deal with 32 bits environments ... make you choice ... you want a truly big number? Go for it, and loose the possibility to "talk" with any other 32 bit env ... not a big deal if you own your data, kinda pointless memory and CPU consumption if you deserialize everything as 64 bits ... but I am pretty sure you know what you are doing so ... JSON is good in that case too.

No Classes

And again thanks gosh! You don't want a protocol that deals with classes, trust me, 'cause you cannot write a class in all possible programming languages, can you? If you can, even in those programming languages where classes never existed 'cause classes are simply an abstract concept represented by the word "class" but representable in billion ways with other languages (e.g. via just objects in JavaScript).
Classes and namespaces issues, if you want, are there in any case.
The good part of JSON, once again, is the ability to intercept serialize and unserialize process so that if you like to send instances, rather than just objects, you can use all tools provided by the implementation, and I am showing in this case a JavaScript example;

function MyClass() {
// doesn't matter what we do here
// for post purpose, we do something
this.initialized = true;
MyClass.prototype.toJSON = function () {
this.__class__ = "window.MyClass";
return this;

var myClassObject = JSON.stringify(new MyClass);
// "{"initialized":true,"__class__":"window.MyClass"}"

Once we send this serialized version of our instance to any other client, the .__class__ property could be ignored or simply used to understand what kind of object was it.

Still in JavaScript, we can deserialize easily the string in such way:

function myReviver(key, value) {
if (!key) {
var instance = myReviver.instance;
delete instance.__class__;
delete myReviver.instance;
return instance;
if (key == "__class__") {
myReviver.instance = myReviver.createInstance(
this, this.__class__
return value;

myReviver.createInstance = "__proto__" in {} ?
function (obj, className) {
obj.__proto__ = myReviver.getPrototype(className);
return obj;
} :
function(Bridge) {
return function (obj, className) {
Bridge.prototype = myReviver.getPrototype(className);
return new Bridge(obj);
for (var key in obj) this[key] = obj[key];

myReviver.getPrototype = function (global) {
return function (className) {
for (var
Class = global,
nmsp = className.split("."),
i = 0; i < nmsp.length; i++
) {
// simply throws errors if does not exists
Class = Class[nmsp[i]];
return Class.prototype;

JSON.parse(myClassObject, myReviver) instanceof MyClass;
// true

Just imagine that __class__ could be any property name, prefixed as @class could be, or with your own namespace value ... so no conflicts if more than a JSON user is performing same operations, isn't it?

Simulating __wakeup Call

Since last example is about __sleep, at least in JavaScript easily implemented through .toJSON() method, you might decide to implement a __wakeup mechanism and here what you could add in the proposed revival method:

function myReviver(key, value) {
if (!key) {
var instance = myReviver.instance;
delete instance.__class__;
delete myReviver.instance;
// this is basically last call before the return
// if __wakeup was set during serialization
if (instance.__wakeup) {
// we can remove the prototype shadowing
delete instance.__wakeup;
// and invoke it
return instance;
if (key == "__class__") {
myReviver.instance = myReviver.createInstance(
this, this.__class__
return value;

Confused ? Oh well, it's easier than it looks like ...

// JSON cannot bring functions
// a prototype can have methods, of course!
MyClass.prototype.__wakeup = function () {
// do what you need to do here
alert("Good Morning!");

// slightly modified toJSON method
MyClass.prototype.toJSON = function () {
this.__class__ = "window.MyClass";
// add __wakeup own property
this.__wakeup = true;
return this;

Once again, any other environment can understand what's traveling in therms of data, but we can recreate a proper instance whenever we want.

How To Serialize

This is a good question you should ask yourself. Do you want to obtain exactly the same object once unserialized? Is that important for the purpose of your application? Yes? Follow my examples ... no? Don't bother, the less you preprocess in both serializing and unserializing objects, the faster, easier, slimmer, will be the data.

If you use weird objects and you expect your own thing to happen ... just use tools you have to intercept before and after JSON serialization and put there everything you want, otherwise just try to deal with things that any other language could understand or you risk to think JSON is your own protocol that's missing this or that, while you are probably, and simply, overcomplicating whatever you are doing.

You Own Your Logic

Last chapter simply demonstrates that with a tiny effort we can achieve basically everything we want to ... and the cool part is that JSON, as it is, does not limit us to create more complex structures to pass once stringified or recreate once parsed and this is the beauty of this protocol so please, if you think there's something missing, think twice before proposing yet another JSON alternative: it works, everywhere, properly, and it's a protocol, not a JS protocol, not a X language protocol ... just, a bloody, protocol!

Thanks for your patience

Thursday, August 16, 2012

JavaScript recent Bits and Bobs

Quick post about few things landed, or not yet, in JavaScript world.


In this era loads of +new Date, JSC offers since quite a while a handy global function called preciseTime().
Since this function offers more accuracy than milliseconds, and I am talking about microseconds, which is 1/1000 of a millisecond, it's the best option we have to measure benchmarks or be sure that some time elapsed between two statements in a synchronous code flow.

You might don't know that a loop between new Date and another new Date could produce completely unexpected results such a negative integer which is kinda unexpected since zero is the best case we would consider.

This behavior is behind ticks and clocks, more or less same reason setTimeout or setInterval have never been accurate in therms of delay.

preciseTime, this is the obvious name of my latest git repository, could be shimmed or polyfilled quite easily via a node module I can't npm install for some reason, or through java.lang.System.nanoTime for Rhino.



In MDN Proxy Fundamental Traps chapter there are two functions I was kinda waiting for, and one of these is Object.getPropertyNames().

As you might know, Object.keys(object) returns an array of enumerable object properties.
A similar behavior could be obtained via this shim:

// warning: this is not fully ES5 standard
"keys" in Object || !function(hasOwnProperty){
Object.keys = function keys(object) {
var keys = [], key;
for (key in object)
// not considering IE < 9 quirks, key) && keys.push(key);
return keys;

On the other hand, Object.getOwnPropertyNames returns an Array of all properties defined in the object, even those not enumerable or as getters/setters, but without considering inherited properties.
For all ES3 browsers is basically the same of above Object.keys() shim since it's not possible to define not enumerable properties in a meaningful way.
To be really honest, probably all IE < 9 browsers should use the check over isPropertyEnumerable() check via Object.keys, and leave the provided shim as it is since actually, those not enumerable properties are those that this function could return in a meaningful way, and talking about shims ... never mind ...

In ES5 world there's no other way to retrieve all properties names defined in an object so this methods is pure awesomeness!

Right ... What About Object.getPropertyNames()

What is not possible right now, and in a world where inheritance is all over the place as JS world is, is the ability to retrieve not only own properties, but inherited properties too.
In a duck typed system we need to know all characteristics of an object to be sure "it's a duck". Right now there's no standard way to obtain all properties an object could use, and this is where Object.getPropertyNames() becomes handy: you receive all inherited properties of an object too, together, of course, with own properties.
In my shim, this is obtained through the __proto__ de facto standard property.
!function(Object, getPropertyDescriptor, getPropertyNames){
// (C) WebReflection - Mit Style License
if (!(getPropertyDescriptor in Object)) {
var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
Object[getPropertyDescriptor] = function getPropertyDescriptor(o, name) {
var proto = o, descriptor;
while (proto && !(
descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, name))
) proto = proto.__proto__;
return descriptor;
if (!(getPropertyNames in Object)) {
var getOwnPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames, ObjectProto = Object.prototype, keys = Object.keys;
Object[getPropertyNames] = function getPropertyNames(o) {
var proto = o, unique = {}, names, i;
while (proto != ObjectProto) {
for (names = getOwnPropertyNames(proto), i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
unique[names[i]] = true;
proto = proto.__proto__;
return keys(unique);
}(Object, "getPropertyDescriptor", "getPropertyNames");
view raw Object.extra.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub

At this point we can recognize a duck properly, the only method eventually missing is the one able to give us a list of not enumerable properties per each object ... but with these tools, we can create one, if truly necessary.


Oh well, this is about another annoying thing ... the fact we know that obj instanceof Class but we have to be upside-down to know if a property, defined as default in the Class.prototype has been redefined or it's simply that bloody default.
This is about this method, shimmed in the previous gist as well, and able to retrieve the descriptor of a property that might, or might not, be inherited. How cool is that?

The only thing I am not sure about, is if the method should consider up to prototype === null, including Object.prototype or not ... right now is not, since I believe nobody would ever check for hasownProperty descriptor, as example, with a generic object.

global methods, classes, and shit

This is more a hint, whenever you are curious about what's exposed through your global object, you can simply perform this check, and inside an about:blank page:


Where if you want alphabetic order, you might consider this elaborated version if previous one did not work as expected.
Run it once in your browser, environment, console:

function alphabetically(a, b){
alen = a.length,
blen = b.length,
len = Math.min(alen, blen),
i = 0,
ac, bc, c
while (i < len) {
ac = a.charCodeAt(i);
bc = b.charCodeAt(i);
c = ac - bc;
if (c) return c;
return alen - blen;
var getOwnPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
if (!getOwnPropertyNames) {
getOwnPropertyNames = function getOwnPropertyNames(object) {
var hasOwnProperty = {}.hasOwnproperty, keys = [], key;
for (key in object), key) && keys.push(key)
return keys;
function getAllKeys(object, ordered) {
var keys = getOwnPropertyNames(object);
ordered && keys.sort(alphabetically);
return keys;

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

(က) Polpetta, any folder is served spiced

The quick version is: have you ever thought about using node.js to make any folder as a web-server and in a PHPish way where .njs files are required and executed runtime as node modules ?

Oh well, I did, and this is the result in Github: polpetta ... enjoy!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The JavaScript typeof Operator Problem

TL;DR don't even try to normalize or shim newer typeof via code: you simply can't!

Whenever it was a mistake or not to consider typeof null == "object", many libraries that tried to normalize this operator failed to understand that null is not the only problem.

The JS Polymorphism Nature

We can borrow methods for basically everything but primitives values, such booleans, numbers, and strings, do not accept indeed any sort of property or method attached runtime.

var s = "hello";
s.greetings = true;
// "undefined"

However, we can still use methods through call() or apply():

function isGreetings() {
return /^(?:ciao|hello|hi)$/.test(this);
// true

The only way to find a method in a primitive value is to extend its own constructor.prototype:

String.prototype.isGreetings = function () {
return /^(?:ciao|hello|hi)$/.test(this);
// true

What Happens When We Invoke A Method

In ECMAScript 3 up to 5.1, when "use strict" directive is not in place, any primitive value will be temporarily converted into an object, where only null and undefined will be converted into the original global object.

alert(function () {
return this === window;

// ... and here a tiny winy problem ...
alert(function () {
return this ? true : false;
}.call(false)); // true
alert(function () {
return Boolean(this);
}.call(false)); // true
alert(function () {
return !!this;
}.call(false)); // true

Back to the previous chapter, a situation like this might mislead as well:

function setAsGreetings() {
this.greetings = true;
alert(this.greetings); // true
var s = "hello";;
alert(s.greetings); // undefined

Why This Is A Problem

Try to imagine this really simple piece of code:

function whichType() {
return typeof this;
// guess what ...
alert([, // "object", // "object", // "object""hello"), // "object", // "object" // "object"

Now you can play adding "use strict" to the very beginning of the whichType function.
Doing the same with an argument, rather than context injection, will produce the same output, regardless the function has or not the strict directive.

function whichType(o) {
// pointless "use strict";
return typeof o;
// guess what ...
whichType(null), // "object"
whichType(false), // "boolean"
whichType(true), // "boolean"
whichType("hello"), // "string"
whichType(123), // "number"
whichType(undefined) // "undefined"

What If You Want Use new String/Number/Boolean

It's not only about context injection and the typeof this, it's also about the ability to use collections of the same type as we need.
As example, let's imagine we have a list of unique IDs, and we would like to flag them, relate them, or use them, as objects.

var ids = [

// an easy way to mirror strings as objects
var flagged =;

// check if a generic input/id exists ...
var i = ids.indexOf("b");

// ... and check if it has been used/touched already
if (-1 < i && !flagged[i].touched) {
flagged[i].touched = true;
// once again ... but it will never happen
if (-1 < i && !flagged[i].touched) {
flagged[i].touched = true;

With above example we might use the variable ids to simply filter existent and not existent input, and mirror these ids through they respective objects and eventually reuse these objects as we need, concatenating them, recycling them, etc etc ... I know, above example is not such common use case, right? But of course it's not since we have so many problems with typeof and nobody in JS world has ever suggested to use, when necessary, these constructors in a useful way...

typeof In JS.Next

Since explicit should superset implicit behaviours, ECMAScript 6 and code under "use strict" directive will react like this.

function app(s) {"use strict";

function type() {"use strict";
return typeof this;

app("primitive"); // "string"
app(new String("object"));// "object"

This is actually awesome since we can always tell if that string/object has been created using new Constructor or not ... which leads with less ambiguous code and the possibility to use objects as primitives whenever we find a case were it's needed.

function setGreetings() {
this.greetings = true;
var s = "hello";; // pointless
s.greetings; // undefined

// but if we want ...

s = new String(s);;
s.greetings; // true !!!

As summary, knowing in advance how an object has been created, will let us understand if whatever property/method changed or attached to a generic this will make sense or not ... unless these operations are not simply used internally during the temporarily lifetime of that possible object ... where again we might need to know if we have to clean up after or not ... that's what I call control, isn't it?

... And No Polyfill Will Do

Bad news here is ... there is no way to replicate the new and correct behaviour of the next typeof operator.
If we remove "use strict" directive from the latter example's type() function, we'll notice that the result will be "object" in both cases ... no matter how we pass the original argument.

Reasonable + Inconsistent = Fail

If your only concern is that typeof null should produce the string "null", you might realize that o === null is all you need, rather than creating and calling a function every time you want/need to understand the type of an object.
As we have seen before, when null is used as context, the typeof could return "object" in any case.
When latter case happens, the check against the triple equality operator will fail as well.
If null is not the only problem, just consider that if an engineer created a variable using new String(text) rather than using just text there must be a bloody reason: either the engineer does not know JavaScript OR, most likely, decided to use the possibility offered by an object that is wrapping a primitive value.
If you use a framework that does this wrapping by default there's only one thing to do: change framework!
Strings are immutable while Objects are always freshly baked ... since a list of strings as objects cannot even use Array#indexOf unless you don't hold and/or compare via Generic#valueOf() every time the list content, the amount of pointless RAM and CPU used to work with these kind of wrappers does not scale ... full stop.
If you never use new String and believe that nobody else will as well, your logic might be screwed in any case by the fact that newer browsers might implement a proper typeof and make your code/logic weak when the original constructor has been used as wrapper.

How To Migrate, How To Not Fail

Unless both your code and your environment is frozen by respective versions, and it does not matter if it's client or server side, you cannot basically trust your own code because one day, in some browser, it might act differently.
If you need typeof so much and your code is for 3rd parties development, you might decide to create two slightly different versions of your code or simply normalize the old typeof behavior forgetting then returning "string" when you don't actually know if the developer meant string or new String.
A feature detection like this one could help:

var NEW_TYPEOF = function(){
"use strict";
return typeof this == "string";

To simplify above code you might trust the generic strict directive behaviour, through undefined, via this snippet:

var USE_STRICT_COMPATIBLE = function(){
"use strict";
return !this;

Followed by the rarely seen check:

var USE_STRICT_ENABLED = function(){
return !this;

Above check does not simply tell us if the the browser can handle the strict directive, it also tells us if we are already under use strict.
If we wrap everything in our own closure we might not care in any case ... so, back to the topic, we might understand through these checks if we are under strict directive but what we cannot normalize in any case is something like:

function borrowedMethod() {
}"fail"); String("fail"));

In ECMAScript 3rd Edition latest snippet will return "object" while in ES5 and strict directive it will return "string".
If your normalizer is "so cool" that transform any instanceof String into "string", then you might realize that same code run under strict in ES5 will return "object" so either both ways, and as summary, your function is not reliable.
Can we say now there's more mess than before? Oh well ...

Doesn't Matter, Had Type

If you wanna have a function that will never be able to compete with the real power of ES6 or "use strict" typeof operator, you might end up with something like this:

function type(o) {"use strict";
var type = typeof o;
if (type == "object") {
if (!o)
type = "null"
; else if (
o instanceof Boolean ||
o instanceof Number ||
o instanceof String
type = typeof o.valueOf()
return type;

However, all you gonna have in this case is a function that removes a new feature from the next version of JavaScript.
I have aded this script just to give you a chance if you wanna believe that using methods across primitive wrappers does not make sense ( subclassing anybody ? at that point you gonna have another problem ... oh well, again ... )

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dealing With Future Pointers

I have talked about this already in both JSConfEU and QCon - London and I have also blogged a couple of times about this problem that many developers keep ignoring ...

The Unexpected Input

In JSConfEU I have showed with my slides this picture:
iPad and magic mouse
which is simply the reason most of the so called mobile websites won't work as expected.
Why that? Because "ontouchend" in window, the most pointless feature detection ever, will produce a positive result and if you decide which event should be attached to the document or any DOM node relying this check, the moment the device that exposes touch events BUT has a trackpad, mouse, or any other alternative pointer device connected, it will fail, it won't work, it will look broken!

A Hybrid Solution

We could make the assumption that if the user is using fingers, the user will keep using fingers ... while if the user chooses the alternative pointer, there shouldn't be a case where fingers are again on the screen.
For this kind of situation/assumption, a lazy pointer detection is the only one we can rely.

// useless/unoptimized code - used to explain and nothing else
function initPointerEvents(e) {
// decide what should be used later on
switch (e.type) {
case "touchstart": return useTouches();
// other possible cases
default: return useMouse();
document.removeEventListener("touchstart", initPointerEvents, true);
document.removeEventListener("mousedown", initPointerEvents, true);
document.removeEventListener("mousemove", initPointerEvents, true);
document.removeEventListener("mousewheel", initPointerEvents, true);
// note the usage of true, so that we can be sure these detections are performed
// before any other listener attached with "false" ( bubbling phase )
document.addEventListener("touchstart", initPointerEvents, true);
document.addEventListener("mousedown", initPointerEvents, true);
document.addEventListener("mousemove", initPointerEvents, true);
document.addEventListener("mousewheel", initPointerEvents, true);

With above example it becomes really easy to understand what's the user choice: either touch, or keyboard.
No matter what kind of device we are dealing with, the very first event will tell us what kind/group of events we should use.

Well ... Still Not Friendly

What if the user combines touches and trackpad?
Microsoft Surface Tablet
The Microsoft Surface proposal looks great to me, but at the same time it might fail in most common mobile oriented websites.
First of all, MS has introduced kinda proprietary events to deal with pointers but I wonder how these events will behave once the user decide to switch between trackpad and screen.
I imagine that the mouse cursor will appear and disappear accordingly, at least that is what could make sense to me, so that the page could actually implement both :hover styles and still be based on touch events but the simple fact is that all this is a mess for web pages.
Here an example of how things could go wrong, assuming the classic trackpad in older laptop won't mean that msPointerEnabled is true ( being that screen not touchable )

// the MS suggested feature detection
if (window.navigator.msPointerEnabled) {
// fails when the user uses the trackpad instead of the screen
} else {
// fails when the user uses the screen instead of the trackpad

So, unless Windows 8 does not prefer MS events regardless the hardware, the inline feature detection will fail in this case as well.

We Need A Better Interface

This call is mainly for W3C, everything we have right now does not scale with more complex, modern, hybrid, devices.
This is also not only about mouses, trackpads, and screens, this is related to virtual keyboards too, the most annoying thing could appear and without notification/control in a webpage screen.
What we could do is to create yet another library able to deal in a totally abstract way with all these cases and in real time.
But how big this overhead would be? Think how many times we attach events to single nodes, rather than into the document only, and think how many checks we need to do in order to normalize properly and cross platform user actions.
The ideal library should be able to switch runtime and handle combination of any sort of pointer ... maybe you scroll a page with fingers, then you draw on canvas with a USB pen ... then you type on the screen, then suddenly you press enter in the keyboard ... and so on ...
Asus Transformer Prime

One Problem At The Time

There is no library out there able to truly behave as expected and switch runtime all these possibilities ... so I might decide to write one but the architecture should be both simple and able to scale.
I am not a huge fun of too abstract architectures for the simple reason that these rarely have good performances but this is a problem that later we deal with, more problems we'll have.
If you have any library I am not aware of that is that smart, please let me know and I'll update the post linking to this library.