if you ever had to deal with the full size of an HTML document, I know that feeling bro!
The Most Difficult Thing To Get Right Ever!
I mean, even google maps had some problem with that, preferring a
user agent sniffing like technique rather than finding the real size of the window.
This image is directly from
latest Maximiliano Firtman post, a post you should read regardless this single topic!
The Useless window.screen
object you might decide to check for is
completely pointless for this purpose ... and the reason is simple: screen does not give any meaningful number to the Web field.
The size of the screen in pixel means nothing when the viewport meta tag is set to scale 1, as example. The size means nothing in any case since it's about the full size of the screen and not the current DOM, viewport, window, size.
property isn't that trustable neither, URL bar on the top or on the bottom, or both, could be in place ... how you gonna deal with that ...
Not only screen Problems
webOS browser is a freaking cool one and still more recent than many other Webkit stock browsers stuck in some android 2.3.something ... so why would you drop webOS support now? Most likely, is gonna be just another slice of compatible devices you gonna have in your portfolio.
Well, webOS, and I am talking about Palm Pre 1 and 2, has an horrible bug: you change orientation, things start zooming in and out out of control ... WHY??? Gosh it tok a while to understand how to fix it ... still no idea "why" thought!
Full Screen and iOS 6 safari Mobile
Problems ain't solved with latest Apple Operating System, actually ... problems are more than expected.
The new 'full screen" feature provided by iOS6 does not obviously fire the
event, it fires
one once in full screen and does not fire a thing once it goes back ... here again google maps trusting user agent sniffing like based approach:
How lovely is that massive, wasted, white rectangle at the bottom ?

What basically every single Web app is doing wrong right now, is to increase the full screen size by those (in)famous
60 pixels so that after they can call
window.scroll(0, 0);
... well, all these software must be updated in order to understand that full screen, does not mean
neither means that the height of the document should be increased by 60 ... got it?
IE 6, 7, 8, and 9 Mobile WTFucks!!!
Best part is about these browsers ... specially the mobile one, at least in my Samsung WP7 Omnia Phone, I had to decrease the height by
75 pixels when in portrait, and
5 pixels while in landscape ... and that was completely random but ... you know, it worked :D
For all other Desktop IE < 9 versions well ... many fixes and shit about scroll bars but hey ... I don't care, I think I have solved almost everything!
The Test Case
Well it's kinda simple,
you check this page, and you see a
1 red pixel as full screen border no matter what
Mobile or
Desktop browser you are using ... it should just work and please let me know if it does not, thanks!
The Module
It's part of a repository I am keeping updated with completely random, but tested, stuff ...
here it is, a
1.57KB (843 bytes gzipped) piece of code that could make your full screen life much easier, isn't it?
How Does It Work
Well, the
source code should give you some hint but here the basic:
window.addEventListener("viewportsize", function (e) {
// here you change what you want
// the 'e' object will have a 'result' property
// containing width and height, e.g.
myCanvas.width = e.result.width;
myCanvas.height = e.result.height;
}, false);
Above example will make your canvas full screen no matter which device is running it .. aint that cool!
Freaking Flicking
Oh well, unfortunately to avoid problems in many good old Androids and webOS, plus Windows Phones too, the hidden body is necessary.
Just try to imagine and consider that switching between landscape and portrait orientation is not such common thing ... usually that's performed when there's something wrong with the layout so ... you rather improve your layout skills here ;)
Android URL Bar
Yeah, I don't care ... I mean, Android phones have bigger screens than iPhone and iPod, so if iphone full screen once pinned is enough, Androids phones are OK as they are too.
Thing is, ther eis no standard between stock and non stock browsers with the URL bar size so, rather than guessing or thinking
cool, it's this Android, must go for N pixels I prefer focus actually only on those Androids phones that eventually have really no space at all, in therms of pixels, to show something meaningful.
Small screens are welcome for tests and debug, Galaxy S3 with full screen option .. YAGNI!
Why Is This Important
Well, I guess if you reached this part you know already but here the thing ... sometimes you don't want the browser to scroll, the body to grow, your app to be unmanaged by the default browser scroll system, your game to be moved around, your designe to not be full screen ... did I forget anything here? :) Have fun with full screen Web Apps and please let me know if your device doesn't work, thanks!
Just tested this in Chrome on a Nexus 7 and there border-top is not shown. In Firefox mobile it works fine. Can anyone confirm this?
not shown or simply hard to see it? 'cause in Chrome for iOS this works just fine. Plese let me know, thanks
I can confirm Chrome works just perfectly in iOS and Android, as well as Opera Mobile, Firefox +beta, Webkit Stock Browser, and every phone I could possibly test :)
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